Source code for sevenbridges.models.automation

import logging

from sevenbridges.decorators import inplace_reload
from sevenbridges.errors import ResourceNotModified, SbgError
from sevenbridges.meta.fields import (
from sevenbridges.meta.resource import Resource
from sevenbridges.meta.transformer import Transform
from sevenbridges.models.enums import AutomationRunActions, RequestParameters
from sevenbridges.models.file import File
from sevenbridges.models.member import Permissions
from sevenbridges.transfer.upload import CodePackageUpload

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AutomationPackage(Resource): """ Central resource for managing automation packages. """ _URL = { 'query': '/automation/automations/{automation_id}/packages', 'get': '/automation/packages/{id}', 'archive': "/automation/automations/{automation_id}" "/packages/{id}/actions/archive", 'restore': "/automation/automations/{automation_id}" "/packages/{id}/actions/restore", } id = StringField(read_only=True) automation = UuidField(read_only=True) version = StringField(read_only=True) location = StringField(read_only=True) schema = DictField(read_only=True) created_by = StringField(read_only=True) created_on = DateTimeField(read_only=True) archived = BooleanField(read_only=True) custom_url = StringField(read_only=False) memory_limit = IntegerField(read_only=False) python = StringField(read_only=True) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not type(self): return False return self is other or == def __str__(self): return f'<AutomationPackage: id={}>'
[docs] @classmethod def query(cls, automation, offset=None, limit=None, api=None): """ Query (List) automation packages. :param automation: Automation id. :param offset: Pagination offset. :param limit: Pagination limit. :param api: Api instance. :return: collection object """ automation_id = Transform.to_automation(automation) api = api or cls._API return super()._query( url=cls._URL['query'].format(automation_id=automation_id), offset=offset, limit=limit, api=api, )
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, automation, version, location, schema, memory_limit=None, python=None, api=None): """ Create a code package. :param automation: Automation id. :param version: File ID of the uploaded code package. :param location: The code package version. :param schema: IO schema for main step of execution. :param python: Version of Python to execute Code Package with. Allowed values are '3.6', '3.7', '3.8'. Default is '3.6'. :param memory_limit: Memory limit in MB. :param api: Api instance. :return: """ automation_id = Transform.to_automation(automation) api = api if api else cls._API if version is None: raise SbgError('Code package version is required!') if location is None: raise SbgError('Code package location is required!') if schema is None: raise SbgError('Schema is required!') data = { 'version': version, 'location': location, 'schema': schema, 'memory_limit': memory_limit, 'python': python } extra = { 'resource': cls.__name__, 'query': data } package_data = cls._URL['query'].format(automation_id=automation_id), data=data ).json() 'Add code package to automation with id %s', automation_id, extra=extra ) return AutomationPackage(api=api, **package_data)
@inplace_reload def archive(self): """ Archive package :return: AutomationPackage object. """ automation_id = Transform.to_automation(self.automation) extra = { 'resource': type(self).__name__, 'query': { 'id':, } }'Archive automation package', extra=extra) package_data = url=self._URL['archive'].format( automation_id=automation_id, ) ).json() return AutomationPackage(api=self._api, **package_data) @inplace_reload def restore(self): """ Restore archived package :return: AutomationPackage object. """ automation_id = Transform.to_automation(self.automation) extra = { 'resource': type(self).__name__, 'query': { 'id':, } }'Restore archived automation package', extra=extra) package_data = url=self._URL['restore'].format( automation_id=automation_id, ) ).json() return AutomationPackage(api=self._api, **package_data) @inplace_reload def save(self, inplace=True): """ Saves all modification to the automation package on the server. :param inplace Apply edits on the current instance or get a new one. :return: AutomationPackage instance. """ modified_data = self._modified_data() if modified_data: extra = { 'resource': type(self).__name__, 'query': { 'id':, 'modified_data': modified_data } }'Saving automation package', extra=extra) data = self._api.patch(url=self._URL['get'].format(, data=modified_data).json() return AutomationPackage(api=self._api, **data) else: raise ResourceNotModified()
[docs]class AutomationMember(Resource): """ Central resource for managing automation members. """ _URL = { 'query': '/automation/automations/{automation_id}/members', 'get': '/automation/automations/{automation_id}/members/{id}', } href = HrefField(read_only=True) id = StringField(read_only=True) username = StringField(read_only=True) email = StringField(read_only=True) type = StringField(read_only=True) name = StringField(read_only=True) permissions = CompoundField(Permissions, read_only=False) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not type(self): return False return self is other or self.username == other.username def __str__(self): return f'<AutomationMember: username={self.username}>'
[docs] @classmethod def query(cls, automation=None, offset=None, limit=None, api=None): """ Query (List) apps. :param automation: Automation id. :param offset: Pagination offset. :param limit: Pagination limit. :param api: Api instance. :return: collection object """ automation_id = Transform.to_automation(automation) api = api or cls._API return super()._query( url=cls._URL['query'].format(automation_id=automation_id), automation_id=automation_id, offset=offset, limit=limit, api=api, )
# noinspection PyMethodOverriding
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, id, automation, api=None): """ Fetches the resource from the server. :param id: Automation member username :param automation: Automation id or object :param api: sevenbridges Api instance. :return: AutomationMember object. """ username = Transform.to_resource(id) automation = Transform.to_automation(automation) api = api or cls._API member = api.get(url=cls._URL['get'].format( automation_id=automation, id=username )).json() return AutomationMember(api=api, **member)
[docs] @classmethod def add(cls, user, permissions, automation, api=None): """ Add a member to the automation. :param user: Member username :param permissions: Permissions dictionary. :param automation: Automation object or id :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: Automation member object. """ user = Transform.to_user(user) automation = Transform.to_automation(automation) api = api or cls._API data = {'username': user} if isinstance(permissions, dict): data.update({ 'permissions': permissions }) member_data = url=cls._URL['query'].format(automation_id=automation), data=data ).json() return AutomationMember(api=api, **member_data)
[docs] @classmethod def add_team(cls, team, permissions, automation, api=None): """ Add a team as a member to the automation. :param team: Team object or team id :param permissions: Permissions dictionary. :param automation: Automation object or id :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: Automation member object. """ team = Transform.to_team(team) automation = Transform.to_automation(automation) api = api or cls._API data = {'id': team, 'type': 'team'} if isinstance(permissions, dict): data.update({ 'permissions': permissions }) member_data = url=cls._URL['query'].format(automation_id=automation), data=data ).json() return AutomationMember(api=api, **member_data)
[docs] @classmethod def remove(cls, user, automation, api=None): """ Remove a member from the automation. :param user: Member username :param automation: Automation id :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: None """ user = Transform.to_user(user) automation = Transform.to_automation(automation) api = api or cls._API api.delete( cls._URL['get'].format(automation_id=automation, id=user) )
[docs] @classmethod def remove_team(cls, team, automation, api=None): """ Remove a team member from the automation. :param team: Team object or team id :param automation: Automation id :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: None """ team = Transform.to_team(team) automation = Transform.to_automation(automation) api = api or cls._API api.delete( cls._URL['get'].format(automation_id=automation, id=team) )
@inplace_reload def save(self, inplace=True): """ Saves modification to the api server. """ modified = self._modified_data() if modified: new_data = self.permissions.copy() new_data.update(modified['permissions']) data = { 'permissions': new_data } url = self.href self._api.patch(url=url, data=data, append_base=False) else: raise ResourceNotModified()
[docs]class Automation(Resource): """ Central resource for managing automations. """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember _URL = { 'query': '/automation/automations', 'get': '/automation/automations/{id}', 'member': AutomationMember._URL['get'], 'members': AutomationMember._URL['query'], 'packages': AutomationPackage._URL['query'], 'archive': '/automation/automations/{automation_id}/actions/archive', 'restore': '/automation/automations/{automation_id}/actions/restore' } href = HrefField(read_only=True) id = UuidField(read_only=True) name = StringField(read_only=False) description = StringField(read_only=False) billing_group = UuidField(read_only=False) owner = StringField(read_only=True) created_by = StringField(read_only=True) created_on = DateTimeField(read_only=True) modified_by = StringField(read_only=True) modified_on = DateTimeField(read_only=False) archived = BooleanField(read_only=True) secret_settings = DictField(read_only=False) memory_limit = IntegerField(read_only=False) project_based = BooleanField(read_only=False) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not type(self): return False return self is other or == def __str__(self): return f'<Automation: id={} name={}>'
[docs] @classmethod def query( cls, name=None, include_archived=False, project_based=None, offset=None, limit=None, api=None ): """ Query (List) automations. :param name: Automation name. :param include_archived: Include archived automations also :param project_based: Search project based automations :param offset: Pagination offset. :param limit: Pagination limit. :param api: Api instance. :return: collection object """ api = api or cls._API return super()._query( url=cls._URL['query'], name=name, include_archived=include_archived, project_based=project_based, offset=offset, limit=limit, api=api, )
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, description=None, billing_group=None, secret_settings=None, project_based=None, memory_limit=None, api=None): """ Create a automation template. :param name: Automation name. :param billing_group: Automation billing group. :param description: Automation description. :param secret_settings: Automation settings. :param project_based: Create project based automation template. :param memory_limit: Memory limit in MB. :param api: Api instance. :return: """ api = api if api else cls._API if name is None: raise SbgError('Automation name is required!') data = { 'name': name, } if billing_group: data['billing_group'] = Transform.to_billing_group(billing_group) if description: data['description'] = description if secret_settings: data['secret_settings'] = secret_settings if project_based: data['project_based'] = project_based if memory_limit: data['memory_limit'] = memory_limit extra = { 'resource': cls.__name__, 'query': data }'Creating automation template', extra=extra) automation_data =['query'], data=data).json() return Automation(api=api, **automation_data)
@inplace_reload def save(self, inplace=True): """ Saves all modification to the automation template on the server. :param inplace Apply edits on the current instance or get a new one. :return: Automation instance. """ modified_data = self._modified_data() if modified_data: extra = { 'resource': type(self).__name__, 'query': { 'id':, 'modified_data': modified_data } }'Saving automation template', extra=extra) data = self._api.patch(url=self._URL['get'].format(, data=modified_data).json() return Automation(api=self._api, **data) else: raise ResourceNotModified() @inplace_reload def archive(self): """ Archive automation :return: Automation instance. """ extra = { 'resource': type(self).__name__, 'query': { 'id':, } }'Archive automation', extra=extra) automation_data = url=self._URL['archive'].format( ).json() return Automation(api=self._api, **automation_data) @inplace_reload def restore(self): """ Restore archived automation :return: Automation instance. """ extra = { 'resource': type(self).__name__, 'query': { 'id':, } }'Restore archived automation', extra=extra) automation_data = url=self._URL['restore'].format( ).json() return Automation(api=self._api, **automation_data)
[docs] def get_packages(self, offset=None, limit=None, api=None): """ Return list of packages that belong to this automation :param offset: Pagination offset. :param limit: Pagination limit. :param api: sevenbridges Api instance. :return: AutomationPackage collection """ api = api or self._API return AutomationPackage.query(, offset=offset, limit=limit, api=api )
[docs] @classmethod def get_package(cls, package, api=None): """ Return specified automation member :param package: Automation Package Id :param api: sevenbridges Api instance. :return: AutomationMember object """ package_id = Transform.to_automation_package(package) api = api or cls._API return AutomationPackage.get( id=package_id, api=api )
[docs] def add_package( self, version, file_path, schema, file_name=None, python=None, retry_count=RequestParameters.DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT, timeout=RequestParameters.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, part_size=None, api=None ): """ Add a code package to automation template. :param version: The code package version. :param file_path: Path to the code package file to be uploaded. :param schema: IO schema for main step of execution. :param part_size: Size of upload part in bytes. :param file_name: Optional file name. :param python: Version of Python to execute Code Package with. Allowed values are '3.6', '3.7', '3.8'. Default is '3.6'. :param retry_count: Upload retry count. :param timeout: Timeout for s3/google session. :param api: sevenbridges Api instance. :return: AutomationPackage """ api = api or self._API if version is None: raise SbgError('Code package version is required!') if file_path is None: raise SbgError('Code package file path is required!') # Multipart upload the code package: upload = CodePackageUpload( file_path,, api=api, part_size=part_size, file_name=file_name, retry_count=retry_count, timeout=timeout ) upload.start() upload.wait() package_file = upload.result() # Create the automation package: return AutomationPackage.create(, version=version,, schema=schema, python=python, api=api )
[docs] def get_member(self, username, api=None): """ Return specified automation member :param username: Member username :param api: sevenbridges Api instance. :return: AutomationMember object """ member = Transform.to_automation_member(username) api = api or self._API return AutomationMember.get( id=member,, api=api )
[docs] def get_members(self, offset=None, limit=None, api=None): """ Return list of automation members :param offset: Pagination offset. :param limit: Pagination limit. :param api: sevenbridges Api instance. :return: AutomationMember collection """ api = api or self._API return AutomationMember.query(, offset=offset, limit=limit, api=api )
[docs] def add_member(self, user, permissions, api=None): """ Add member to the automation :param user: Member username :param permissions: Member permissions :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: AutomationMember object """ api = api or self._API return AutomationMember.add(, user=user, permissions=permissions, api=api )
[docs] def remove_member(self, user, api=None): """ Remove a member from the automation :param user: Member username :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: None """ api = api or self._API AutomationMember.remove(, user=user, api=api)
[docs] def add_team_member(self, team, permissions, api=None): """ Add team member to the automation :param team: Team object or team id :param permissions: Member permissions :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: AutomationMember object """ api = api or self._API return AutomationMember.add_team(, team=team, permissions=permissions, api=api )
[docs] def remove_team_member(self, team, api=None): """ Remove a team member from the automation :param team: Team object or team id :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: None """ api = api or self._API AutomationMember.remove_team(, team=team, api=api)
[docs] def get_runs(self, package=None, status=None, name=None, created_by=None, created_from=None, created_to=None, project_id=None, order_by=None, order=None, offset=None, limit=None, api=None): """ Query automation runs that belong to this automation :param package: Package id :param status: Run status :param name: Automation run name :param created_by: Username of member that created the run :param created_from: Date the run was created after :param created_to: Date the run was created before :param project_id: Search runs by project id, if run is project based :param order_by: Property by which to order results :param order: Ascending or Descending ("asc" or "desc") :param offset: Pagination offset. :param limit: Pagination limit. :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: AutomationRun collection """ api = api or self._API return AutomationRun.query(, package=package, status=status, name=name, created_by=created_by, created_from=created_from, created_to=created_to, project_id=project_id, order_by=order_by, order=order, offset=offset, limit=limit, api=api )
[docs]class AutomationRun(Resource): """ Central resource for managing automation runs. """ _URL = { 'query': '/automation/runs', 'get': '/automation/runs/{id}', 'actions': '/automation/runs/{id}/actions/{action}', 'state': '/automation/runs/{id}/state', } href = HrefField(read_only=True) id = StringField(read_only=True) name = StringField(read_only=False) automation = CompoundField(Automation, read_only=True) package = CompoundField(AutomationPackage, read_only=True) inputs = DictField(read_only=False) outputs = DictField(read_only=True) settings = DictField(read_only=False) created_on = DateTimeField(read_only=True) start_time = DateTimeField(read_only=True) end_time = DateTimeField(read_only=True) resumed_from = StringField(read_only=True) created_by = StringField(read_only=True) status = StringField(read_only=True) message = StringField(read_only=True) execution_details = DictField(read_only=True) memory_limit = IntegerField(read_only=False) project_id = StringField(read_only=True) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not type(self): return False return self is other or == def __str__(self): return f'<AutomationRun: id={}>'
[docs] @classmethod def query(cls, automation=None, package=None, status=None, name=None, created_by=None, created_from=None, created_to=None, project_id=None, order_by=None, order=None, offset=None, limit=None, api=None): """ Query (List) automation runs. :param name: Automation run name :param automation: Automation template :param package: Package :param status: Run status :param created_by: Username of user that created the run :param order_by: Property by which to order results :param order: Ascending or descending ("asc" or "desc") :param created_from: Date the run is created after :param created_to: Date the run is created before :param project_id: Id of project if Automation run is project based :param offset: Pagination offset. :param limit: Pagination limit. :param api: Api instance. :return: collection object """ if automation: automation = Transform.to_automation(automation) if package: package = Transform.to_automation_package(package) api = api or cls._API return super()._query( url=cls._URL['query'], name=name, automation_id=automation, package_id=package, status=status, created_by=created_by, created_from=created_from, created_to=created_to, project_id=project_id, order_by=order_by, order=order, offset=offset, limit=limit, api=api, )
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, package, inputs=None, settings=None, resume_from=None, name=None, secret_settings=None, memory_limit=None, api=None): """ Create and start a new run. :param package: Automation package id :param inputs: Input dictionary :param settings: Settings override dictionary :param resume_from: Run to resume from :param name: Automation run name :param secret_settings: dict to override secret_settings from automation template :param memory_limit: Memory limit in MB. :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: AutomationRun object """ package = Transform.to_automation_package(package) data = {'package': package} if inputs: data['inputs'] = inputs else: data['inputs'] = dict() if settings: data['settings'] = settings if resume_from: data['resume_from'] = resume_from if name: data['name'] = name if secret_settings: data['secret_settings'] = secret_settings if memory_limit: data['memory_limit'] = memory_limit api = api or cls._API automation_run = url=cls._URL['query'], data=data, ).json() return AutomationRun(api=api, **automation_run)
@inplace_reload def save(self, inplace=True): """ Saves all modification to the automation run on the server. :param inplace Apply edits on the current instance or get a new one. :return: Automation run instance. """ modified_data = self._modified_data() if modified_data: extra = { 'resource': type(self).__name__, 'query': { 'id':, 'modified_data': modified_data } }'Saving automation run', extra=extra) data = self._api.patch(url=self._URL['get'].format(, data=modified_data).json() return AutomationRun(api=self._api, **data) else: raise ResourceNotModified()
[docs] @classmethod def rerun( cls, id, package=None, inputs=None, settings=None, resume_from=None, name=None, secret_settings=None, merge=True, api=None ): """ Create and start rerun of existing automation. :param id: Automation id to rerun :param package: Automation package id :param inputs: Input dictionary :param settings: Settings override dictionary :param resume_from: Run to resume from :param name: Automation run name :param secret_settings: dict to override secret_settings from automation template :param merge: merge settings and inputs of run :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: AutomationRun object """ data = {'merge': merge} if package: data['package'] = package if inputs: data['inputs'] = inputs if settings: data['settings'] = settings if resume_from: data['resume_from'] = resume_from if name: data['name'] = name if secret_settings: data['secret_settings'] = secret_settings api = api or cls._API automation_run = url=cls._URL['actions'].format( id=id, action=AutomationRunActions.RERUN ) ).json() return AutomationRun(api=api, **automation_run)
[docs] def stop(self, api=None): """ Stop automation run. :param api: sevenbridges Api instance. :return: AutomationRun object """ api = api or self._API return url=self._URL['actions'].format(, action=AutomationRunActions.STOP ) ).content
[docs] def get_log_file(self, api=None): """ Retrieve automation run log. :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: Log string """ api = api or self._API log_file_data = self.execution_details.get('log_file') return File(api=api, **log_file_data) if log_file_data else None
[docs] def get_state(self, api=None): """ Retrieve automation run state. :param api: sevenbridges Api instance :return: State file json contents as string """ api = api or self._API return api.get(self._URL['state'].format(