import time
import logging
from sevenbridges.models.bulk import BulkRecord
from sevenbridges.decorators import inplace_reload
from sevenbridges.errors import (
SbgError, TaskValidationError
from sevenbridges.meta.fields import (
HrefField, UuidField, StringField,
CompoundField, DateTimeField,
BooleanField, DictField
from sevenbridges.meta.resource import Resource
from sevenbridges.meta.transformer import Transform
from import App
from sevenbridges.models.file import File
from sevenbridges.models.enums import FileApiFormats, TaskStatus
from sevenbridges.models.compound.price import Price
from sevenbridges.models.compound.tasks.batch_by import BatchBy
from sevenbridges.models.compound.tasks.batch_group import BatchGroup
from sevenbridges.models.compound.tasks.execution_status import ExecutionStatus
from sevenbridges.models.compound.tasks.input import Input
from sevenbridges.models.compound.tasks.output import Output
from sevenbridges.models.execution_details import ExecutionDetails
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Task(Resource):
Central resource for managing tasks.
_URL = {
'query': '/tasks',
'get': '/tasks/{id}',
'delete': '/tasks/{id}',
'run': '/tasks/{id}/actions/run',
'clone': '/tasks/{id}/actions/clone',
'abort': '/tasks/{id}/actions/abort',
'execution_details': "/tasks/{id}/execution_details",
'bulk_get': '/bulk/tasks/get',
href = HrefField(read_only=True)
id = UuidField(read_only=True)
name = StringField(read_only=False)
status = StringField(read_only=True)
description = StringField(read_only=False)
project = StringField(read_only=False)
app = StringField(read_only=False)
type = StringField(read_only=True)
created_by = StringField(read_only=True)
executed_by = StringField(read_only=True)
start_time = DateTimeField(read_only=True)
created_time = DateTimeField(read_only=True)
end_time = DateTimeField(read_only=True)
batch = BooleanField(read_only=False)
batch_by = CompoundField(BatchBy, read_only=False)
batch_group = CompoundField(BatchGroup, read_only=True)
batch_input = StringField(read_only=False)
parent = StringField(read_only=True)
execution_status = CompoundField(ExecutionStatus, read_only=True)
errors = DictField(read_only=True)
warnings = DictField(read_only=True)
price = CompoundField(Price, read_only=True)
inputs = CompoundField(Input, read_only=False)
outputs = CompoundField(Output, read_only=True)
execution_settings = DictField(read_only=True)
output_location = DictField(read_only=True)
use_interruptible_instances = BooleanField(read_only=False)
origin = StringField(read_only=True, name='origin_id')
def __str__(self):
return f'<Task: id={}>'
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(other) is not type(self):
return False
return self is other or ==
[docs] @classmethod
def query(cls, project=None, status=None, batch=None,
parent=None, created_from=None, created_to=None,
started_from=None, started_to=None, ended_from=None,
ended_to=None, offset=None, limit=None, order_by=None,
order=None, origin=None, api=None):
Query (List) tasks. Date parameters may be both strings and python date
:param project: Target project. optional.
:param status: Task status.
:param batch: Only batch tasks.
:param parent: Parent batch task identifier.
:param ended_to: All tasks that ended until this date.
:param ended_from: All tasks that ended from this date.
:param started_to: All tasks that were started until this date.
:param started_from: All tasks that were started from this date.
:param created_to: All tasks that were created until this date.
:param created_from: All tasks that were created from this date.
:param offset: Pagination offset.
:param limit: Pagination limit.
:param order_by: Property to order by.
:param order: Ascending or descending ordering.
:param origin: Entity that created the task, e.g. automation run,
if task was created by an automation run.
:param api: Api instance.
:return: Collection object.
api = api or cls._API
if parent:
parent = Transform.to_task(parent)
if project:
project = Transform.to_project(project)
if created_from:
created_from = Transform.to_datestring(created_from)
if created_to:
created_to = Transform.to_datestring(created_to)
if started_from:
started_from = Transform.to_datestring(started_from)
if started_to:
started_to = Transform.to_datestring(started_to)
if ended_from:
ended_from = Transform.to_datestring(ended_from)
if ended_to:
ended_to = Transform.to_datestring(ended_to)
if origin:
origin = Transform.to_automation_run(origin)
return super()._query(
url=cls._URL['query'], project=project, status=status, batch=batch,
parent=parent, created_from=created_from, created_to=created_to,
started_from=started_from, started_to=started_to,
ended_from=ended_from, ended_to=ended_to, offset=offset,
limit=limit, order_by=order_by, order=order, fields='_all',
origin_id=origin, api=api
[docs] @classmethod
def create(cls, name, project, app, revision=None, batch_input=None,
batch_by=None, inputs=None, description=None, run=False,
disable_batch=False, interruptible=None,
execution_settings=None, output_location=None, api=None):
Creates a task on server.
:param name: Task name.
:param project: Project identifier.
:param app: CWL app identifier.
:param revision: CWL app revision.
:param batch_input: Batch input.
:param batch_by: Batch criteria.
:param inputs: Input map.
:param description: Task description.
:param run: True if you want to run a task upon creation.
:param disable_batch: If True disables batching of a batch task.
:param interruptible: If True interruptible instance will be used.
:param execution_settings: Execution settings for the task.
:param output_location: Dictionary that allows you to define the exact
location where your task outputs will be stored.
:param api: Api instance.
:return: Task object.
:raises: TaskValidationError if validation Fails.
:raises: SbgError if any exception occurs during request.
task_data = {}
params = {}
project = Transform.to_project(project)
app_id = Transform.to_app(app)
if revision:
app_id = f'{app_id}/{revision}'
if isinstance(app, App):
app_id = f'{app_id}/{app.revision}'
task_inputs = {
'inputs': Task._serialize_inputs(inputs) if inputs else {}
if batch_input and batch_by:
task_data['batch_input'] = batch_input
task_data['batch_by'] = batch_by
if disable_batch:
params.update({'batch': False})
task_meta = {
'name': name,
'project': project,
'app': app_id,
'description': description,
if interruptible is not None:
task_data['use_interruptible_instances'] = interruptible
if execution_settings:
task_data.update({'execution_settings': execution_settings})
if output_location:
task_data.update({'output_location': output_location})
if run:
params.update({'action': 'run'})
api = api if api else cls._API
created_task =['query'], data=task_data,
if run and 'errors' in created_task and created_task['errors']:
raise TaskValidationError(
'Unable to run task! Task contains errors.',
task=Task(api=api, **created_task)
return Task(api=api, **created_task)
def abort(self, inplace=True):
Abort task
:param inplace Apply action on the current object or return a new one.
:return: Task object.
extra = {
'resource': type(self).__name__,
'query': {'id':}
}'Aborting task', extra=extra)
task_data =
return Task(api=self._api, **task_data)
def run(self, batch=True, interruptible=None, inplace=True):
Run task
:param batch if False batching will be disabled.
:param interruptible: If true interruptible instance
will be used.
:param inplace Apply action on the current object or return a new one.
:return: Task object.
params = {}
if not batch:
params['batch'] = False
if interruptible is not None:
params['use_interruptible_instances'] = interruptible
extra = {
'resource': type(self).__name__,
'query': {'id':, 'batch': batch}
}'Running task', extra=extra)
task_data =
url=self._URL['run'].format(, params=params).json()
return Task(api=self._api, **task_data)
[docs] def clone(self, run=True):
Clone task
:param run: run task after cloning
:return: Task object.
params = {}
if run:
params.update({'action': 'run'})
extra = {
'resource': type(self).__name__,
'query': {'id':, 'run': run}
}'Cloning task', extra=extra)
task_data =
url=self._URL['clone'].format(, params=params).json()
return Task(api=self._api, **task_data)
def save(self, inplace=True):
Saves all modification to the task on the server.
:param inplace Apply edits on the current instance or get a new one.
:return: Task instance.
modified_data = self._modified_data()
if modified_data:
task_request_data = {}
inputs = modified_data.pop('inputs', None)
execution_settings = modified_data.pop('execution_settings', None)
if inputs:
task_request_data['inputs'] = self._serialize_inputs(inputs)
if execution_settings:
task_request_data['execution_settings'] = (
extra = {
'resource': type(self).__name__,
'query': {'id':, 'data': task_request_data}
}'Saving task', extra=extra)
data = self._api.patch(url=self._URL['get'].format(,
task = Task(api=self._api, **data)
return task
def _serialize_execution_settings(self, execution_settings):
instance_type = execution_settings.get(
self.execution_settings.get('instance_type', None)
max_parallel_instances = execution_settings.get(
self.execution_settings.get('max_parallel_instances', None)
use_memoization = execution_settings.get(
self.execution_settings.get('use_memoization', None)
use_elastic_disk = execution_settings.get(
self.execution_settings.get('use_elastic_disk', None)
serialized_es_mapping = {
'instance_type': instance_type,
'max_parallel_instances': max_parallel_instances,
'use_memoization': use_memoization,
'use_elastic_disk': use_elastic_disk
serialized_es = dict()
for key, value in serialized_es_mapping.items():
if value is not None:
serialized_es[key] = value
return serialized_es
def _serialize_inputs(input_value):
Recursively serialises input dictionary.
:param input_value: input dictionary to serialize
:return: serialized input dictionary
if isinstance(input_value, list):
return_value = []
for elem in input_value:
elif isinstance(input_value, dict):
return_value = {}
for key in input_value:
return_value[key] = Task._serialize_inputs(
elif isinstance(input_value, File):
return_value = Task._to_api_file_format(input_value)
return_value = input_value
return return_value
def _to_api_file_format(_file):
return {
'class': (
FileApiFormats.FOLDER if _file.is_folder()
else FileApiFormats.FILE
[docs] def get_execution_details(self):
Retrieves execution details for a task.
:return: Execution details instance.
extra = {
'resource': type(self).__name__,
'query': {'id':}
}'Get execution details', extra=extra)
data = self._api.get(
return ExecutionDetails(api=self._api, **data)
[docs] def get_batch_children(self, status=None, created_from=None,
created_to=None, started_from=None, started_to=None,
ended_from=None, ended_to=None, order_by=None,
order=None, offset=None, limit=None, api=None):
Retrieves batch child tasks for this task if its a batch task.
:return: Collection instance.
:raises SbError if task is not a batch task.
api = api or self._api
if not self.batch:
raise SbgError("This task is not a batch task.")
return self.query(, status=status, created_from=created_from,
created_to=created_to, started_from=started_from,
started_to=started_to, ended_from=ended_from, ended_to=ended_to,
order_by=order_by, order=order, offset=offset, limit=limit,
[docs] @classmethod
def bulk_get(cls, tasks, api=None):
Retrieve tasks with specified ids in bulk
:param tasks: Tasks to be retrieved.
:param api: Api instance.
:return: List of TaskBulkRecord objects.
api = api or cls._API
task_ids = [Transform.to_task(task) for task in tasks]
data = {'task_ids': task_ids}
logger.debug('Getting tasks in bulk.')
response =['bulk_get'], data=data)
return TaskBulkRecord.parse_records(response=response, api=api)
[docs] def wait(self=None, period=10, callback=None, *args, **kwargs):
Wait until task is complete
:param period: Time in seconds between reloads
:param callback: Function to call after the task has finished,
arguments and keyword arguments can be provided for it
:return: Return value of provided callback function or None if a
callback function was not provided
while self.status not in TaskStatus.terminal_states:
if callback:
return callback(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class TaskBulkRecord(BulkRecord):
resource = CompoundField(cls=Task, read_only=False)
def __str__(self):
return f'<TaskBulkRecord valid={self.valid}>'